Thursday, November 19, 2009


Chinatown is yet again another film noir classic. This film is about a private detective who goes by the name JJ Gittes who is hired to mostly find out whether or not spouses are being faithful to one another. JJ is hired by a woman posing to be one mans wife, but turns out not to be. When JJ's story goes public about the affair the real wife comes forward and everything goes crazy. A murder takes place early on in the film and JJ is determined to get to the bottom of the crime that turns out to go back a number of years, and includes a number of unexpected people. Throughout the film JJ learns of all the wrongdoings that have been going on with the water the supplies the town and surrounding areas. The film is full of lies and sexual tension, that of course gets released like every other film, but in the end the twists and turns that are revealed are shocking and questioning enough for this film to be a film noir.

This film overall is a great film. Throughout the whole time watching it I couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen next, and what crazy story was about to unfold. This is not a only a must see film noir film, but a must see in itself. All of the classic film noir pieces are there in one way or another and they way he film ends in itself makes it a must see.

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